Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cell, You Light

I am usually the last person to come home at night. Everyone is asleep. The house is dark and silent.

And instead of turning any lights on, I just pop open my cell phone and find my way around the house...and every time I do it, I think, "Huh, this is funny. I wonder if anyone else uses their cell phone as a flashlight regularly." you?


Julie Hibbard said...

All the time. All the time.
Hey, baseball starts next month!

TiNA said...

Of course. I use it more as a flashlight than as an phone! The iPhone has a flashlight app that just lights up the screen different colors depending on how bright you want it to be. Very cool, but I am not spending $200 for a flashlight :)

Megan said...

Not really...but I wanted you to know that I am loving the recent titles of your blog posts.

Allison said...

All the time. My phone in Kenya has a flashlight on the's brilliant...

Julie Hibbard said...

PS great title!

sunshine said...

every day.