Sunday, November 25, 2007

Illegal? No. Stupid? Maybe...

My friends and I have had spats about the legality of two road rules--first, is changing lanes in an intersection legal, and second; is talking on a cell phone while driving legal? The answer to both is YES.
It is perfectly legal to change lanes in the middle of an intersection. There is no rule that outlaws this, although you may be ticketed under the blanket offense called an "unsafe lane change." Whatever. I'm okay with that.
It is also perfectly legal to talk on your cell phone while driving...for now, anyway. California is joining New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia in banning motorists from talking on phones (unless they use a headset or speakerphone), although the law won't take effect until July 1, 2008, to educate the public. (I couldn't find confirmation for this date...if anyone knows, let me know.)
You're welcome!!


Riley said...

I could have sworn that you could not make a lane change in an intersection, but I seriously just searched through the whole Texas Drivers Handbook and you are right. There is no law against it. I learn so much from your blog.

craig h said...

I've heard July 1st as well, Lisa. Time for Bluetooth (or, better yet, cell phone silence!)

ambrosia said...

I (like riley) totally thought this was illegal until I read your blog. Thank you, Lisa.

Randy said...

good call on the two arguments... when i was in traffic school the proctor said the same thing. And I too have heard that July 1 is the date... i dont know why people dont use headsets more often, i think it is so much easier...maybe i am just too lazy to hold the phone up to my head.